Exhibition of Southern Access Road Plans and Discussion of Community Concerns 2:00pm to 4:30pm 23rd October 2022 at Sherborne Road Scout Hut
A significant number of residents attended the exhibition and discussions of concerns. The ChiCycle team and resident’s associations were delighted that so many people engaged with this event and are considering how to comment or object to the Southern Access Road plans.
Ash Pal (Parklands Residents Association Chair) announced that Phil Jones Associates are working with the community to recommend alternative transport solutions to the WoC development’s SAR plans.
Images kindly sent in by Jan Davis, Sarah Quail and Philip Maber are available in the image gallery below
The Sussex Express have also reported on the event here.
Original Post
ChiCycle are hiring the 12th Chichester Scout Hut in Sherborne Road, Chichester PO19 3AB on the 23rd of October for a public exhibition between 2:00pm and 4:30pm.
We are inviting residents associations, local groups and individual residents, to view and discuss the plans for the West of Chichester Southern Access Road (part of the WoC Phase 2 Outline Planning Application 22/01485/OUTEIA).
West of Chichester (WoC) development will create 1,600 new homes. It will also include a new industrial estate.
The proposed Southern Access Road will join traffic from the new WoC development’s main spine road onto the residential street of Westgate.
To cater for anticipated increase in traffic, the Westgate/Sherborne mini roundabout is being removed and replaced with a staggered junction.
Developers intend to significantly increase cycling. Their transport assessment assumes many residents will choose to cycle rather than drive. For this reason they forecast only modest increases in motor traffic.
However, to cater for the increase in motor vehicle traffic, developers intend to route cyclists onto the narrow Westgate and Sherborne Rd pavements.
Please join our exhibition of plans if you are interested in how these proposals may impact local transport and the community.
Mark Record (on behalf of ChiCycle)
Details of how to access the 22/01485/OUTEIA plans and how to comment and/or object to them are available on this link http://chicycle.co.uk/write-in-opposition-to-the-new-access-road
ChiCycle have already lodged several objections that are available here http://chicycle.co.uk/objections-to-planning-application-22-01485-outeia