Links & Resources London LTNs: Motor traffic reduced by 47%, study finds
HE-WSCC-CDC Joint Statement Chi-Em NMU August 20
ChiCycle Criticism of West of Chichester Phase-1 S106 Mini Roundabout Plans
Cycling and walking plan for England
DfT Cycle Infrastructure Design LTN 1/20
Short LTN 1/20 URL:
Safety Splay Visibility Issues of West of Chichester Development Planning Application 20/01046/REM-Parcel5F detailed in pdf format here
New West Sussex County Council design guidelines (page 12) specify that housing development spine roads with over 500 dwellings should have pavements on either side of the road and include segregated cycle lanes
CD 195 – Designing for cycle traffic
Highways Agency Design Manual for Roads and Bridges Vol 5 section 2 Part 4–2 This documents explains that new developments should provide opportunity for sustainable travel. See Achieving sustainable development Section 2 (page 7); Promoting sustainable transport Section 9 (Starts page 32)
Transport for London Streets Toolkit
DfT Shared Use Routes for Pedestrians and Cyclists (LTN 1/12)
Phil Jones Associates alternative plans for West of Chichester Development S106 Highway alterations.
Questioning Cycle Infrastructure Plans For Whitehouse Farm Development. Intended audience the Cycle Forum 10th June 2019.
The mini roundabout plans can be viewed on the following link to the CDC. –
Planning Details of West of Chichester Development (shows S106 agreements)
DfT Manual For Streets First published 2007
DfT Cycle Infrastucture Design LTN 2/08
West of Chichester Cycle Strategy for Phase 1 -2541590
Department of Transports Manual for Street Design
The value of cycling: rapid evidence review of the economic benefits of cycling. Department of Transport 27 March 2016
The West Sussex Walking and Cycling Strategy 2016-2026 The county council are talking the talk but can we make them walk the talk? (or even pedal their agenda?) The ChiCycle team will do all they can to help the local authorities put their words into practical action.
UK Cycling and walking investment strategy link – Sets out the government’s ambition for cycling and walking. Published 21 April 2017 by the department of transport.
Video Cast of West Sussex County Council Meeting on 5th April 2019 Motion on Climate Change Item 10a
NICE guidance on Physical activity: walking and cycling Of particular interest are the Policy and planning Recommendation: 1 High-level support from the health sector & Recommendation 2 Ensuring all relevant policies and plans consider walking and cycling.
Friends of Centurion Way a local action group convened by Sarah Sharp
International-cycling-infrastructure-best-practice-study by Urban Movement – Phil Jones Associates 2014 PDF document.