No Nonsense Bike Security by Ray Burridge and his Gemara Locking Cycle Stand
Ray Burridge is an inventor from Yapton who has developed a simple but ingenious solution to prevent cycle theft. Formerly, while working as a policeman, Ray realised how little was being done to prevent bikes being stolen or to detect such crimes. To resolve this problem he formed Gemara Cycle Security Ltd in 1986 and successfully produced a number of highly successful locking cycle stands. Unfortunately, when Ray took on a larger production order his bank got cold feet and withdrew their finance and his business folded.
The Gemara cycle stand allows cyclists to leave cumbersome bike locks at home and instead take only a single pound coin to use as a deposit in exchange for a bike-lock key. A key can be released by depositing a pound coin into a slot dispenser. The key allows a bike to be secured by a substantial no nonsense steel bar that can pass through any type of cycle frame. Once the security key is used to release bikes from a Gemara cycle stand, the cyclist can then retrieve their deposited pound coin and ride away.
Ray sent us the following short silent video and explained he was trying to resurrect the project now that cycling is becoming a better recognised and respected clean, green form of popular transport.
If you know of any funding channels that are available to help him restart this worthwhile project, Ray would be very keen to hear from you.
More details of Ray Burridge’s project are given below. The following text and pictures are copied from emails Ray sent in to ChiCycle addressed to Sarah Sharp and Philip Maber.

Subject: Gemara Cycle Security system- overview
The Gemara Cycle Security system is a unique, and simple device to use, and proven to prevent bike thefts over several years. It is primarily based on a substantial steel bar being manoeuvred through the frame of the cycle, and locked by the use of a coin-lock. The bar has been designed to be strategically placed to secure all known types of bikes, including those with the common triangular frame, hybrid frames (those with the angled crossbar), ladies’ twin, and loop tube, and folding bikes, whether folded or not, some owners of such bikes prefer putting the steel bar through a space in the folded version. It has also been especially designed to take children’s bikes, whether with a conventional crossbar design, or, what is commonly known as a U-tube style. The bar is made of 32mm 304 Stainless Steel, the hardest available, and none have ever shown any form of attempted cutting.
The Gemara system comprises 10 such ‘units’, with each unit adjoining another, all of
4″ galvanised box steel uprights, each topped with a steel box containing the lock. Though primarily coin-return at present, other forms of locking, such as phone apps, are being considered. The uprights are all welded to a horizontal 4″ box steel base, which is placed in concrete on site, with tapered zinc runners for the cycle wheels flush with the finished base between each unit. Instructions are supplied to the purchaser for installation.
USE – The user pushes the cycle into a unit, using the runners, and simultaneously moves the bar through the frame, inserting a coin, and locking the bar with the key supplied to that unit, each key supplied having a fob denoting the unit used, with each unit similarly marked. On return, the procedure is reversed, the key locking itself for the next user.
Each locking-box is powder-coated for durability, and virtually any colour is available.
It has room for instructions, and logos if required. The finished product has changeable cylinders, if necessary, should a key be lost, thus quickly putting the unit back in use, and without replacing the whole lock..both time-consuming, and more expensive.
The updated version is being designed with SECURITY being paramount, but without its aesthetic design being compromised. Assistance is being given by a member of a cycling organisation in order to make the Gemara system at least one step ahead of potential cycle thieves. In addition, regular contact will be made with cycle stores, such as Halford
as in previous years, to ascertain whether new styles of bikes are on the market, along with viewing sites such ECF, Velo-City etc..
N.B. It appears that the Gemara Security System is capable of securing E-BIKES, from those seen at present, but due regard will be given to further developments. The same applies for Tandems, now becoming more popular.
Ray Burridge – Inventor & Designer
4 thoughts on “No Nonsense Bike Security by Ray Burridge and his Gemara Locking Cycle Stand”
Yes, it seems one of those blindingly obvious and useful things. However, what provision is made for stopping the key being copied? I’m aware that a small number of expensive household locks have special keys which can’t be copied by locksmiths and replacement keys are only available from the manufacturers. There would have to be the certainty that these keys can’t be copied.
A valid point Adam, and, although we spoke a while ago, I would like to reassure anybody worrying about the same, that we are taking the key situation very seriously. The prototypes, for both conventional bikes, AND E-bikes, have been seriously strengthened body-wise, and the locks will be part of that same stringent process, and policy. We have the services of a trained Locksmith looking at various locking methods, such as card-operated and electronic locks, negating the use of keys, agreeably a potential weak point.
However, due to the ‘simplicity’ of the design, the lock becomes a paramount issue.
The coin-locks are likely to be made in Spain, and ‘blanks’ are only available to bona-fide companies through a Password
Security Check, ergo the blanks are NOT unavailable in the UK. We have investigated the use of 3d Metal Copiers to copy any key, and spoken to the owners of such, and initial signs are that it would seem impractical, both logistically, and financially. However, I am still working on it to ensure SECURITY, the byword for the Gemara system. Our results will obviously not be published, but, rest assured, it will be the very best security available to the cyclist. It remains our raison d’etre.
The EU, through the European Cycling Federation (ECF), have recently stipulated that new buildings such as Office, and residential blocks (and those being renovated) will have to have suitable capacity for E-bikes within their plans, and we are looking seriously at such security, hopefully with a view to include CHARGING the E-bike in situ. Early indications show it is feasible using electrical trunking through the
basic Box-steel manufacture. It appears nobody worldwide has achieved both charging AND security, many E-bikes stolen whist at the public charging points
so there is obviously an urgent need for such a product. Again, our results will not be published yet due to Copyright, or possibly Patent protocol, but suffice to say we are pretty excited about early results.
I hope this allays any fears about security for cycles Adam, the product being prepared for the next 20+ years, with E-bikes especially, as you know, with a 25% increase in their sales in 2020 in the UK and up to 40% increase in Europe.
Please feel free to contact me regarding any further queries, but we working at full pelt to get rid of the fear of Cycle Theft!
Ray Burridge
Rather late, but now in January 2023, the product is ready for production WITHOUT a Coin-Lock, with an Electronic Lock operated by a Phone App.
Having been led a merry dance with Locksmiths I now have a unique system especially designed by the VERY FIRST PERSON to see my grubby design I had 42 years ago, and the best Master Locksmith in the UK!!! great fortune, and after weathering the ‘perfect storm’ of Covid, Brexit, Putin, economic problems AND 3 major Operations, I have a much stronger and even more environmentally pleasing product..and yes, much, much STRONGER!!!