26th Nov Mayday Action Group Protest Over Inadequate Town-Planning/Infrastructure for New Harbour Area Housing Developments

26th Nov Mayday Action Group Protest Over Inadequate Town-Planning/Infrastructure for New Harbour Area Housing Developments


Mayday Action achieved a fantastic action all along the coast between Havant and Chichester. A diverse range of community groups all joined together along the A259 to express their concerns over large scale housing development with apparently little or no town planning that addresses transport, drainage, civic centres, and transport infrastructure (including provision for walking and cycling).

Chicycle supporters joined the event leaving from Chichester Market Cross at 10:00am and ended up at the Bosham roundabout by 12:00 midday.

A photo gallery of images of ChiCycle’s journey along the A259 during the Mayday Action on the 26th Nov 26th 2022 is available below.

Original Post

Andrew Sargent and Bruce Garrett both warmly invite ChiCycle to join the Mayday Action-group campaign event they are organising for the 26th Nov. It is a protest against the huge volume of housing development planned along our coast that lacks adequate town planning and infrastructure. Please consider signing the petition as well as joining the event itself.

Please join ChiCycle on the day and help make a vital stand to demand decent town planning for our the area. The vision shared by Andrew and Bruce, is to unite numerous strands of the community who are concerned over inadequate planning for the housing development taking place all along our coast. Mayday Action-group intend to make a video about peoples participation in the event, so if you take part, you’ll soon see yourself on the silver screen (or maybe just a smartphone screen).

ChiCycle Plan for Participation in 26th Nov Mayday Action Group Protest

ChiCycle supporters from East of Fishbourne are meeting up at Chichester City Market Cross at 10:00 am on Sat November 26th. At approximately 10:10 am we will set off for Fishboune. We may stop and chat with the Manhood Peninsular Group who will congregate at the junction between Fishbourne Rd West and Appledram Ln South. We intend to arrive at the car-park of the Woolpack Pub at 10:30 and meet up with any ChiCycle supporters arriving from the West. At around 10:40 am we intend to ride to Bosham to meet residents participating in the Mayday Action Group protest there. At approximately 11:30 we will head back from Bosham through Fishbourne to Chichester.

Background and Details of the 26th Nov Mayday Action Group Protest

ChiCycle has itself campaigned for may years demanding all new housing developments are built with adequate walking and cycling provision. We want all housing developments to form genuine, healthy, vibrant communities rather than these places being condemned through inadequate planning to become soulless dormitory towns where everyone needs to commute by motor-car for work, education, entertainment and each and every shopping/leisure trip. Unfortunately, we often fail to get even the most basic provision for walking and cycling considered in new local housing developments.

However, walking and cycling is far from the only issue regularly neglected by our local planing authorities. Every resident needs  the toilet regularly, and all the products from trips to the bathroom need to go somewhere. Inadequate capacity for sewage treatment is also being ignored. This results in frequent discharges of untreated effluent into our sensitive harbour environment and from there the unpleasant material will inevitably find its way to soil our beaches. For this reason the 26th Nov Protest is titled “CUT THE CRAP! Enough is Enough“.

Bruce Garrett explained the filming of the event will hopefully run as follows…

The “happening” start line now is The Mad Hatters Tea Room on the seafront on Hayling Island…….1000/1015.

Thereafter the route of some 14 miles will pass via Langstone Bridge to Emsworth – Saxon Corner and head E to Emsworth via the roundabout – possible loop around Mill Pond – and then on to Southbourne, Chidham & Hambrook, Bosham, and via Fishbourne to the top of Apuldram Lane……..

I am no seer or sage so right now – with no early view on the weather for Saturday, – I cannot tell anyone when the video motorcycle or car (weather risk management) will reach the various waypoints…..but reach them the video man will!

So by all means gather with your cycling gang at The Woolpack for 1030hrs but no one should sit/stand uncomfortably on their bikes – yes please do a loop as far as the Bosham roundabout but don’t hold back on navigating the A259 at all!

We can encourage foot passengers to give cyclists a cheer as they go past……

The whole happening will not go beyond 1200hrs and fingers crossed for all with the weather.

Harbour users know about waterproofing and I am sure cyclists are also water-resistant.

Great to touch base and Thank You for understanding just what a challenge it is to bring everyone together – we are all concerned and in this 2 hour slot we need to and will show it.

In haste – I think I am on cooking duty!!

Bruce Garrett

Hope you can join ChiCycle in support of the Mayday Action-group protest on the 26th Nov.

Mark Record (on behalf of ChiCycle)


3 thoughts on “26th Nov Mayday Action Group Protest Over Inadequate Town-Planning/Infrastructure for New Harbour Area Housing Developments

  1. The majority of the planning proposals are against local and national interest. Nationally, much of the building is on prime agricultural land which is relatively cheap as it’s flat, and goes against UK food self sufficiency. Locally, the infrastructure cannot cope, even more sewerage pumped into the sea, dramatic increase in road traffic accidents because the roads cannot cope with the increased traffic flow and more flooding. The Chichester bypass is already a 365 day a year car park, all roads already suffer from lack of maintenance as well as pavements and cycle paths. I don’t think we ought to mention the NHS already being unable to cope. !!!!!

  2. Electric trike user so always interested in all developments as there are masses planned all along the Fish/Ems route

  3. Brilliant protest, thank you everyone. We were not aware that it was taking place, not being users of social media, but would like to go on email mailing list if such thing exists. I would make every effort to be at future protests as it is something I feel very strongly about. Thank you to everyone who gave their time for the benefit of us all.

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