Oct 29th Newsletter
Dear ChiCycle Supporter,
1st Nov – Ride Chichester’s Pop-Up cycle scheme before it is removed
Unfortunately, WSCC have taken the decision to remove the Pop-Up cycle scheme in Chichester. The decision was taken less than two months after the scheme opened on the 25th Aug. Previously ChiCycle discovered that the counter system was not correctly recording usage of the cycle way and no analysis of congestion or safety of the scheme appears to have been made. It is not clear what evidence was considered before Roger Elkin announced it would be removed.
On Sunday 1st Nov 2pm 2020 we would like as many people as possible to arrive at North Gate car park and ride the Pop Up cycle scheme to demonstrate that there is support for improved walking and cycling facilities in Chichester. To avoid exceeding the government’s guidelines on social distancing, as soon as we have formed a group of six riders, these should head off around the Pop-Up scheme to be followed by subsequent groups of six that join the ride at North Gate car park as they arrive later.
We may have some flowers to attach to the plastic wands to show our support for spaces for cyclists to ride in safety.
Please join us this Sunday.
31st Oct – ChiCycle Zoom Meeting Reminder
On the morning of Sat 31st Oct 2020 starting at 10 AM, ChiCycle will hold a general meeting using the Zoom virtual meeting platform.
You are most welcome to join. The details for logging in are as follows...
ChiCycle are inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: ChiCycle Meeting
Time: Oct 31, 2020 10:00 AM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 918 6313 5561
Passcode: f8MNwZ
I hope you can join us on Saturday.
Heather’s excellent coffee and cake will now be funded from the ChiCycle float
To simplify getting coffee and cake ready for the morning of our meeting on our 31st Oct meeting. We will now pay for Heather’s coffee, tea & cake from the ChiCycle float. You are welcome to give ChiCycle a £3.00 donation in return whenever convenient.
Heather Barrie, one of our local Green Party District Councillors, is the founder of Harrie’s Coffee who specialise in Fairtrade Beans. She is kindly offering to deliver a sachet of coffee, 2 lovely tea sachets (for the non coffee drinkers) and a home-made flapjack. Heather suggests leaving a Tupperware container outside your door so she does not miss you while making these deliveries by bike. Please let Heather know (heather@harries-coffee.com) if you would like coffee/tea and cake delivered in readiness for our meeting.
Mark Record (on behalf of ChiCycle)
Promoting Safe and Confident Cycling in Chichester & West Sussex (We support the needs of pedestrians too)
Email:- getintogear@chicycle.co.uk
Phone:- 01243 781445
Post:- 22 Barton Rd, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 3LJ
To unsubscribe please contact:- unsubscribe@chicycle.co.uk
One thought on “Oct 29th Newsletter”
Thank you ever so much Mark